Articles Posted in Surgical Malpractice


What Are The Measure Of Damages In A Medical Malpractice Case?

Our clients often ask us about damages in medical malpractice cases.  Sometimes they tell us that they aren’t interested in financial compensation and only want to do something to make sure that their doctor doesnt hurt anybody else. The remedy in civil medical malpractice is financial.  When we proceed with…


Kentucky Jury Awards $2.5 Million

A Kentucky jury awarded a married couple $2.5 million dollars when their medical malpractice lawsuit went to verdict last week. In 2001, Sophia Savage underwent a hysterectomy at a Kentucky hospital.  During the surgery her doctors left behind a sponge which was not discovered until 2005.  Doctors discovered the sponge…


Saying Sorry

Often times when we meet with new clients in our Chicago office they tell us that they are most upset about the fact that no one has ever said they are sorry after a tragic event occurs.  Lawyers and insurance companies have for years advised their doctor clients to deny…


Chicago Medical Malpractice-Doctors and Hospital Liens

What is a lien? A physician is allowed to put a lien against any future settlement that comes out of that lawsuit. Or, a physician might be able to enter into a contract with a patient allowing the doctor to put a lien on whoever is responsible for his payment…

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